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Guard Rail

AASHTO M180-23 Updates

March 15, 2024
Gregory Industries

Please be informed that the revisions of the AASHTO M180-23 specification will bring significant alterations to guardrail components, including changes to chemical/physical properties and new marking requirements to enhance product identification across the supply chain.

It is crucial for all stakeholders to familiarize themselves with these modifications and adapt their business strategies accordingly, as they will have a lasting impact on the industry.


ASHTO M180-23


Summary of changes:

  • Base metal thickness tolerance changes for Class A & Class B W-beam and T-beam panels
  • Increase the minimum % elongation property for sheet steel components (from 12% to 16%)
  • Inclusion of steel guardrail posts. Including appropriate marking requirements for traceability
  • Inclusion of radius rail (W-beam & T-beam) and the appropriate marking requirements for identification of shop curving
  • Inclusion of anchor wire rope and swage fittings
  • Potential galvanizing changes from A 123 to M 111